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Azerbaijan Television is a school, whose even retired employees are invited to work on other independent television channels of the country. Azerbaijan Radio was launched on November 6, 1926. That day, for the first time, Baku Speaks! was broadcasted through loudspeakers installed on the streets and squares of the capital. It was possible to listen to the radio without barriers not only in Baku, but also in the suburbs. This event was a great innovation in the political and cultural life of Azerbaijan at that time. At first, Baku studio operated in three rooms on the third floor of the main building of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences formerly Ismailia building, located at 10 Istiglaliyyat Street. The first room, in which along the whole length of the wall there were apparatuses equipped with large lamps, was the central point of the city broadcasting network. The second room served as the entrance to the studio. Here, guests invited on the air were waiting for their turn. To the left of the room there was a small cabin, in which a small window was opened for viewing and managing the studio. Inside the usual suitcase located in front of the window was an apparatus connecting a studio microphone on the one hand and a transmission line on the other.

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However, Ive discovered the years of accumulated pine needles and mulch have produced what appears to be a bonanza of lush dark soil. My question:Are pine needles a viable material to add to my compost?They dont seem to do any harm to the weeds that pop up on top of the weed retardant fabric, but will they kill any flowers or vegetables?Mike, were almost 89 and not able to embark on a back yard business, but I do to work in the yard and do a bit of landscaping. My bride had a stroke a couple of years ago and Im her sole caregiver, so I dont have a great deal of time to enjoy my yard activities. I read everything you publish and am very grateful for your advice. I do try to share your hard earned wisdom with a few neighbors. HI Rick, I dont think I would use too much pine needles in compost.

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